Friday, December 31, 2010

Membuat Sendiri Server Tantra Offline

Seorang teman merequest sebuah postingan 'Jawaban Portal Tantra Philippines' namun belum saya buat karena belum tersedianya waktu dan kesempatan, karena membuat postingan tersebut membutuhkan sedikit-lebih banyak waktu (dan biaya untuk jiba pustika dan biaya pindah portal... he he he), mengumpulkan pertanyaan, menaksir jawaban yang benar, dan menjawabnya.

Jauh berbeda dengan hal tersebut, berikut ini adalah tutorial membuat sendiri server Tantra Offline. Beberapa orang telah berhasil, Anda bisa membacanya di SINI. Sebagian link berikut memang sudah DEAD Link, alias link yang sudah mati. Anda ingin mencobanya? Silahkan baca dengan saksama.....

[RELEASE] Tantra Server Files + Client + guide
Tantra Files Server are public RELEASE] by: OMEN

Tantra server 1-2-3

UPDATED 16-01-2008

This guide is incomplete, the server files are incomplete. You need the server files and a client to play tantra on a LAN. You need gmtool only to edit your account and character.

This guide is by me OMEN I hang around and, don’t bug me with idiot questions like “I don’t speak English can you help me?” read the guide, then read it some more then ask a friend to read the guide then and only then if you fail ask on the forums.
Download the Server
Uploaded by snaity - - online file sharing and storage -
Uploaded by some one on gamehaze - Driveway - Driveway -
Updated, USE THESE - Server Files Driveway - Driveway -

Download Client
Taiwan Client -
Imperio Client Modded by OMEN - Driveway - Download
Password = pimperio12clientlol

Update 20-03-08
Download Client
Simperio client
mirror 1
mirror 2
mirror 3
mirror 4

Driveway -

Download Test Account
Driveway -

Download PHP scripts
Made by snaity Create Account v2 use this one - Driveway - Driveway -

Download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services & SQL Server Management Studio Express -

Download Web Server
Xampp -


Q: is the server complete?
A: no, the server files are incomplete many things are missing like original server sided tantraparam.tpa from which you can generate all settings in the game from monster hp to what your server is called ?
Q: What works?
A: dbsrv, msgsrv, chatsrv, zones 1-6, gmtool.
Q: what doesn’t work ?
A: zones 7-21 do not have correct npcgener.txt ( it’s the file that spawns monsters). Higher than lvl 88 armours and weapons (probably because the tantraparam.tpa on the server is corrupt or incomplete). Some monsters drop items that are bugged (reserved).
Q: what bugs you know of ?
A: I know of: the “unknown message” error after loading; going into mandara dungeon and going to lvl2 mandara dungeon may disconnect you; removing “MapData.tcm” from copied/cloned zones makes an error message appear that MapData.tcm is missing, clicking ok makes the zone run anyway;
Q: what do we need for the server to be complete?
A: original tantraparam.xml and original tantraparam.tpa, working xml convert tools, npcgener.txt and MapData.tcm for zones 7-21.
Q: how to ask more questions ?
A: join and post a question

Extract the server files maintaining the directory structure.

You will need to change the IP addresses in these files in their own folders,


Zones: zones are special in the sense that the port number in the localIP.txt in the zone should match the zone number. Example: zone4 localIP.txt would have “YOURIP 3004” or zone15 localIP.txt should have “YOURIP 3015”
Replace the “YOURIP” with your actual IP where you are hosting the zone.

serverlist.txt may need to contain an additional line to work. ( this is an example, after 0 0 1 line everything else should be your serverlist.txt with correct IPs)

0 0 1
0 0 YOURIP 1000
0 1 YOURIP 3001
0 2 YOURIP 3002
0 3 YOURIP 3003
0 4 YOURIP 3004
0 5 YOURIP 3005

You may need to change your hosts file.
Go to start > run > %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Then add the following:

Run the server in this order

This is all you need to see if the server runs.

If you get error messages:
Binding failed = you didn’t change the ip addresses
The serverlist does not correspond with the setting in zoneid = you didn’t chage the localip.txt port number in your zone.

To login into the server you need some accounts.

Web Server
Install xampp and only select apache to run as service.

Test Account
Copy the test.tad into your DBSRV\run\account\t directory, you should be able to login with test / test


go to DBSRV\run\account\ and make sure you have a folder named after each one of the letters a - z
then go to DBSRV\run\char\ and make sure you have a folder named after each one of the letters a - z

PHP Create Accounts
To make the PHP script work you will need a web-server that can understand PHP.
Install xampp, and place the PHP Create Accounts into the xampp/htdocs/tantra directory.
Edit the register.php “$accdir="C:\\TantraServer\\DBSRV\\run\\accou nt";” change the path to your servers path.
Now you should be able to go to your favourite web browser and type in http://YOURIP/tantra and register a new account.

To login with your new client you need to copy the serverlist.bin & serverlist.txt from \DBSRV\run\ to your clients directory and overwrite the original.

create a shortcut to htlauncher and add +v3goodluck so you shortcut target looks like this

"D:\Program Files\sImperio\HTLauncher.exe" -v3goodluck

You should be able to login now.


Installing MS-SQL server is a pain in the ass but here it goes ? :
You should have downloaded the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services and the SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Double click on express server install, tick the agree box> next>install>next>next> enter the name and company and UNTICK hide advanced configuration options> next> next> tick default instance, next>next> tick windows authentication, next>next> UNTICK enable user instances, next>next>install>finish

NOW you need to install the management studio.
Double click on management studio install, next>I accept, next> name, company, next> next>finish>
Now we need to create some tables,
Run the management studio, your server name should be your computer name, click connect.
Right click on databases and select new database, type in database name “TantraGM” without the “ click ok.

Now refresh the database view by pressing f5, so you can see your new database. Click on the + next to databases and you should see TantraGM. Right click on TantraGM database and select new query, a blank window should come up to the right of the management studio. Find your downloaded server files and go into gmtool folder and find GMTool.sql, open GMTool.sql with notepad and copy all of the contents from it, paste the contents into the newly opened sql query then right click on the sql query window and select execute.
Again refresh the database view, click on the + next to tantragm>tables you should see 3 new tables.
Right click on dbo.gminfo and select open table, you should see some stuff here.
Fill it in like this

To make gmtool run you need mssql im working on a guide how to get that to run ?

Analysis of files:

\Zone1\Data\settings.ini << configure zone id, exp gained, gold gained

ID = 1 -> ZoneSrv Number
Type = 0 -> ZoneSrv Type (0 : Normal, 1 : PK Zone, 2 : Fort War)
Zone1, Zone2, Zone3, Zone4, Zone5, Zone6, Zone7, Zone8,
Zone9, Zone12, Zone17 : 0
Zone10, Zone13, Zone14, Zone15 : 1
Zone16 : 2

ID = 0 -> World Number

Name = Korea -> Country Code
PK = 1 -> PK On/Off (0 : Off, 1 : On)
MonsterSpeech = 1 -> MonsterSpeech On/Off (0 : Off, 1 : On)
AttackSpeedHack = 1500 -> the value to check the attack speed hack. (default:1500, Min:1000, Max:2000)
If The speed of network is slow, you have to set number that is lower than 1500.(1200 or 1000 is recommended.)
(Ex: AttackSpeedHack = 1200)
If Network speeds normal, you will set 1500
(Ex: AttackSpeedHack = 1500)
Developers recommend Default(1500)

Ver = -> Server Version(if server version is different client version,
users can’t connect game)

RwdPrana = 100 -> Get Prana (100 is percent)
RwdGold = 100 -> Get Rupia (100 is percent)
RwdBraman = 100 -> Get Brahmanpoint (Not yet used)

HalfGrid = 32 -> User Siege(32 : near, 48 : middle, 64 : far)

Obstacle = 50 -> Set Obstacle Height
(you can increase the number to loose this restriction)
Character = 400 -> Set Character Height

[AllowedLevel] -> This is for restricting level of PC who can play in the zone
(Only Zone10, Zone20)
Low = 30
High = 59

[Height] Tab Setting Manual
Obstacle = 100
Character = 700

Obstacle = 110
Character = 800

Obstacle = 90
Character = 500

Zone1 ~ 7, Zone9, Zone11 ~ 17
Obstacle = 50
Character = 400

[AllowedLevel] Tab Setting Manual
Low = 60
High = 200

Low = 30
High = 59

\Zone1\Data\worldsettings.ini << configure the world settings, loose exp on death so on

StaffCorrect = 200
StaffMaxNerves = 350

AbsorbMax = 50
ReflectMax = 150

SpeedMin = 400
SpeedMax = 25000
HPRecvMax = 500
TPRecvMax = 400
ResistMax = 120
HeartMax = 400

ProtectFromPK = 15000
RwdPriority = 25000
TownPortal = 5000
AdvTownPortal = 5000
Quit = 7000
CondCoolDown = 40000
KalaCore = 1800000
HoldImmun = 10
StunImmun = 6
SleepImmun = 20

Restriction = 20
RwdBramanPoint = 50
DecKarmaPoint = 25
RwdKarmaPoint = 100
IncKarmaPoint = 600
RwdGold = 0
LoseGold = 0
MaxKarma = 30000
MurderDropRate = 0
InnocentDropRate = 0
FirstStrikerDropRate = 0
HuntHigh = 5
HuntLow = 1
FirstStrikeDur = 180000
KarmaForRestrictingToAttack = 1800

LosePrana = 5
LoseBP = 25

FeeForSiegeSupport = 1000000
FeeForSiege1 = 12000000
FeeForSiege2 = 10000000
FeeForSiege3 = 8000000
ItemCount = 10
MemberLevel = 60
MemberCount1 = 20
MemberCount2 = 5

Money = 10000

SkillCastInterval = 50

Ver =

\DBSRV\run\\Config_Charname.txt << configure your connection to database

0 TantraGM sa 123456

0 = server number
TantraGM = DNS
SA = Login Name
123456 = Password


Way too much stuff here

// no 0, 1
// ********************************************
# [ 0]
CheckFrequency: 2
Group: 0
Monster0: 2001 <monster id, not the id show in game. In this case it’s a vasabhum.
MaxPopCnt0: 10 < amount of this monster to spawn
PopCntPerTime0: 10 < how many of this monster can spawn at once
Monster1: 2002 < monster id, not the id show in game. In this case it’s a Vasabhum Caura.
MaxPopCnt1: 7 < amount of this monster to spawn
PopCntPerTime1: 7 < how many of this monster can spawn at once
RouteType: 0 < ??
Formation: 0 < ??
Segment0X: 458 < where the monster spawns coordinates
Segment0Y: 348 < where the monster spawns coordinates
Segment0Range: 24 < how far the monster will walk around
Segment0Wait: 24 < how long will the monster wait in the new place
Segment1X: 458
Segment1Y: 348
Segment1Range: 24
Segment1Wait: 41
Segment2X: 458
Segment2Y: 348
Segment2Range: 24
Segment2Wait: 44
Segment3X: 458
Segment3Y: 348
Segment3Range: 24
Segment3Wait: 38
Segment4X: 458
Segment4Y: 348
Segment4Range: 24
Segment4Wait: 46

And check the serverlist.txt in the gmtool folder make sure it looks like this

if not change it.

Then go to DBSRV\run folder check admin.txt add your IP to it or the options on the gmtool will not be available

Sorry for the corrupt video, heres the right one.
To run without limits for the cloned zones just delete the file MapData.tcm cuz that file make a server side limit map (to avoid maphack)
To make instant jobchange, in GMTool-Account editor there are 2 boxes named Class: into there put this:
2 / 0 Satya
2 / 1 Banar
2 / 2 Druka
2 / 3 Karya
2 / 4 Nakayuda
2 / 5 Vidya
2 / 6 Abikara
2 / 7 Samabat


Tantra Online - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Updated 16-01-2008

development of tantra server this post DPCULT
NOTE you do have to register and idiot posts will be removed.

tantra server file

No Scam


Terakhir di-edit oleh siera_of_doom; 09-07-2008 Pk. 01:46 PM.



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